Missing: Kt Harayeko Suchana

Movie Organizations

Film Artistes Association of Nepal [FAAN]

Film Artistes Association of Nepal is nationalized level organization located at Sahavagita Marg, Bijuli Bazar Kathmandu district administrative office in 1992 A.D. it is umbrella organization, established to conserving and promoting professional right and welfare of film artists of the nation are united together for overall development of artists, hence by framing professional organization of film artists of the entire nation for per-forming professional function being under that organization and for determination of only one authorized professional organization by undergoing mutual discussion on the dated “Film Artists Association of Nepal 1992 A.D.


Film Director's Guild of Nepal

Film Director's Guild of Nepal is an umbrella organization of Film Directors in Nepal, Established in 2057 B.S


Nepal Film Producer's Association (NFPA)

Nepal Film Producer's Association (NFPA), was established in 1998 when it became inevitable to protect Nepali cinema.