Bholaraj Sapkota
Movie's Credit : Cast
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The character poster of 'Cha Cha Hui' is released

The character poster of the movie 'Cha Cha Hui' has released. The main posters of the four main characters of the movie are Aryan Sigdel, Bholaraj Sapkota, Sangeeta, Miruna Magar and Shyam Lal, Maotse Gurung.
In the movie, Aryan and Bhola are two young men working in Hong Kong while Miruna is in the role of a Himalayan region. The movie, directed by Samtein Bhutia, stars Aryan, Bhola, Miruna, Babita Malla and others.
The movie is based on romantic comedy genre. Samten Bhutia has directed the movie to be released on November 22. produced by Amrit Ghale.
New Releases (Falgun 23)
Hostel 3
Director : Sashan Kandel
Casts : Paras Bam Thakuri, Ryhaan Giri, Sama Parajuli, Ashish Ghimire, Simran Pant