Dinesh Bahadur Rawat
Movie's Credit : Cast / Chief Ass. Director / Associate Director / Ass. Director / First Ass. Director
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प्रदर्शन मिति तय गर्दै ‘सेल्फी किंङ’को फष्ट लुक सार्वजनिक
प्रदर्शन मिति तय गर्दै चलचित्र ‘सेल्फी किंङ’को फष्ट लुक पोष्टर सार्वजनिक गरिएको छ ।
‘Selfie King’ shooting has started
The movie will tell the story of a struggle between the famous comedian (television), known as 'Selfie King', to balance his success and personal life during the art journey.
शुभमुर्हुत सँगै ‘सेल्फी किंग’ छायाँकन शुरु
एक चर्चित हाँस्य कलाकार(टेलिभिजन)ले कला यात्राको दौरान आफुले पाएको सफलता र व्यक्तिगत जीवन बिचको सन्तुलन मिलाउन गर्ने संघर्षको कथा चलचित्रले भन्नेछ ।
Official announcement of making ‘Selfie King’
Speaking at the program, director Bishal said that he was trying to make a comedian's story into a movie. Asked whether this was a biopic of a comedian, he said it could be a biopic of every artist.
‘सेल्फी किङ’ निर्माणको औपचारिक घोषणा, हाँस्यकलाकारको कथा भन्ने
चलचित्र ‘सेल्फि किङ’ निर्माणको औपचारिक घोषणा गरिएको छ । राजधानीमा आयोजित एक कार्यक्रमका बिच चलचित्र निर्माणको घोषणा
New Releases (Falgun 9)
Director : Junim Gahatraj
Casts : Ankit Khadka, Anoj Pandey, Puskar Gurung, Prem Subba, Sarina Magar
Next Releases (Falgun 14)
Feri Resham Filili
Director : Niroj Maharjan
Casts : Vinaya Shrestha, Supushpa Bhatta, Kameshor Chaurasiya, Nir Shah, Laxmi Giri