Indira Joshi
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Musics of Indira Joshi with Mahesh Khadka
Indira Joshi and Mahesh Khadka have been credited in 1 song(s) together. Here are the list of song(s) based on their credits
Herda Chhu Ma Ramri Sep 19, 2014
Indira Joshi (Singer), Mahesh Khadka (Music Composer)
New Releases (Chaitra 1)
Director : Deepak Rauniyar
Casts : Asha Magrati, Nikita Chandak, Dayahang Rai, Aarti Mandal, Reecha Sharma
Next Releases (Chaitra 8)
Director : Rishi Raj Acharya
Casts : Ashwini Shahi, Ravi Oad, Sujata Timalsina, Jlson Adhikari, Rishi Raj Acharya
Today's Birthday (5)