Madhav Wagle   
Movie's Credit : Producer / Executive Producer / Story

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producer turned director, Madhav Wagle

LensNepal September 16, 2019
producer turned director, Madhav Wagle

After making eight movies, producer Madhav Wagle will direct the movie. The movie, titled 'The Unlucky Man - Paras', is directed by Wagle.

According to Wagle, the story of the movie - a man who has at some point been on the most lavish path in the world, will revolve around the topic of how he becomes unlucky. Pradeep Bhardwaj is writing the script of the movie. The movie is going to filmed from Kartik or mansir. Starring Nischal Basnet, Sandeep Chhetri and Samikasha Pokharel as an actors. 

Prince Paras Shah is understood by many as an unlucky man. On the question of whether the name of the movie is the same, the director said that, there is no connection between Prince Paras and the story of the movie. The movie is going to released on (2077) chaitra 28.

Madhav Wagle has entered the movie field as a producer from his first movie ‘First Love' in 2010. From 'Fast Love' to 'Changa Chet', he has produced eight movies. Almost all of the movies produced by Wagle have succeeded at the box office. Wagle has also written the 'Fast Love' story along with filmmaking.

The second movie 'Loot', produced by Wagle, was on release while preparing for the declaration of a crisis in the movie sector to control the production of Nepali movies. Not only does this movie not only bring success at the box office, it has changed the style of filmmaking. 'First Love' and 'Loot' are some of the most remembered movies ever made by Wagle.