Narendra Maharjan   
Movie's Credit : Producer / Executive Producer / Distributor

Summary of this Profile

Name Narendra Maharjan
Birth Date December 10 1966
Birth Place Hetauda
Current Address Kathmandu
Marital Status Married
Nationality Nepali
Passport No 06616333

An Entrepreneur
It is been last two decades that I am involved majorly in three particular genre of work. Foundation of all these three is based in entertainment. Therefore, I am a;
My Genre Of Work

Nepali Cinema Producer

Cinema Distributor

Cinema Exhibitor

A s Producer : See Filmography

A s Exhibitor : 

Almost the cinema hall in the country which is entertained by audience to be in throughout the country has been taken in a lease by me from the time when I have started working in a cinema exhibition sector. 
At this present state of time I am operating six cinema exhibition centers in different part of the country, one also in my own home town.
Cinema Exhibition Hall where I am into;

Chairperson : Bina Chalchitra mandir, Sarlahi, Lalbandi

Coordinator : OMAX Cinemas, Hetauda, Makwanpur

A s Distributer : 

Since 2012, I owe a company which is responsible to distribute 90% of the movies produced in Nepal, all over the country as well internationally too.

Chairman : Film Distribution Company (F.D.)

Involvement Organization

Board Member : Film Development Board Nepal


In a Professional Organization

I am Involved with two professional organizations, where one deals with the up - liftmen of the Nepali Cinema and the other deals with and for the betterment and security of producers in Nepal.

Third Vice President : Nepal Motion Picture Association

Member : Nepal Motion Picture Producer Association


Chairman of Hetauda Movie Makers Team Pvt. Ltd. (HMMT)
I owe a company, and am a chairman of Hetauda Movie Makers Team Pvt. Ltd. (HMMT), under the banner of which till date we have produced six movies and are blockbusters with cent percent business done, has a good revenue collection both Nationwide and Internationally. On the other hand, many other projects are in a pipeline with good and innovative concept to entertain and uplift the Nepali Cinema

Chairman of Film Distribution Company (F.D.)

Since 2012, I owe a company which is responsible to distribute 90% of the movies produced in Nepal, all over the country as well internationally too.


In Social Organization
I am a person close to society and like to be the part of the organization contributing for the benefit and serve people. I like to serve people, interest and passion within me to all these resulted me to be in some of the socially reputed organization and happy to be the part of those.
My Involvement to different organizations:

Advisor : Basamadi Jaycees

Vice Chairman : Makwanpur District Boxing association

Vice Chairman : Jyapu Mahaguthi

Life Member : Nepal Cancer Relief Service Society

Life Member : Nepal Heart Foundation

Life Member : Newa Sanskritik Pucha

1st V.P : Lions Club of Hetauda

Fundrise Chairman : Rotary Club of Makwanpur

Permanent Residence of : Bhutan Devi Road, Hetauda Sub Metropolitan City, Ward No.10,  Makwanpur, Nepal

Today's Birthday (2)