R.P. Panta
Movie's Credit : Cast / Special Appearance
Movie's Credit : Cast / Special Appearance
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Movies of R.P. Panta with Ujwal Poudel
R.P. Panta and Ujwal Poudel have been credited in 1 movie(s) together. Here are the list of movie(s) based on their credits
Farkera Herda (The Flash Back) (2010)
R.P. Panta (Cast), Ujwal Poudel (Producer, Distributor)
New Releases (Falgun 29)
Director : Milan Chams
Casts : Anjila Tumbapo Subba, Dayahang Rai, Shrijana Subba, Maotse Gurung, Bijay Baral
Next Releases (Chaitra 1)
Director : Deepak Rauniyar
Casts : Asha Magrati, Nikita Chandak, Dayahang Rai, Aarti Mandal, Reecha Sharma
Today's Birthday (2)