Shishir Rana
Movie's Credit : Cast / Special Appearance / Director / Producer / Production Manager / Story / ScreenplaySong's Credit : Cast
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Movies of Shishir Rana with Gopal Bhutani
Basanta Ritu (2004)
Shishir Rana (Story), Gopal Bhutani (Art Director) -
Shankar (1997)
Shishir Rana (Production Manager), Gopal Bhutani (Art Director)
New Releases (Chaitra 8)
Director : Rishi Raj Acharya
Casts : Ashwini Shahi, Ravi Oad, Sujata Timalsina, Jlson Adhikari, Rishi Raj Acharya
Next Releases (Chaitra 15)
Director : Arun Lama
Casts : Anjana Baraili, Prabin Khatiwada, Shishir Bangdel, Prakash Ghimire, Aaryan Sigdel